Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

$22 M of Potential Fraud, Waste and Abuse Discovered in 2012 Medicare Ophthalmology Claims

In 2012, approximately 49 million Medicare claims were related…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

Have You Reviewed the OIG 2015 Workplan?

The 2015 Workplan of the Office of the Inspector General highlights…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

What is the Wall of Shame?

As part of HITECH, any breach of over 500 individuals will be…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

What Should You Do After Discovering a Billing Error?

Just correct the problem and you will be compliant? No, but…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

OIG Special Fraud Alert Regarding Laboratories Payments to Referring Physicians

The OIG scrutinizes referring physician and laboratory arrangements.…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

Have you reviewed the focus areas in the 2014 OIG Workplan?

As part of the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

What Is the OIG List Of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE)?

According to the OIG’s “Roadmap for New Physicians: Avoiding…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

OIG’s Updated Self-Disclosure Protocol

OIG’s Updated Self-Disclosure Protocol Reinforces the Need…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

Top 10 Reasons to Have a Compliance Program

10  I want to know about a violation of law in my practice before…
Healthcare Compliance -Claims and Procedures

Billing for “Incident-to” Services: Preparing for OIG Review

First Healthcare Compliance's Janice Jones discusses Billing…