Strategic Planning To Action: Becoming a Culturally Competent Organization
First Healthcare Compliance hosts Dawn Cooper, Manager for Diversity and Cultural Competency at The Arc of the United States, for an interactive discussion on “Strategic Planning To Action: Becoming a Culturally Competent Organization.”
Diversity has long been viewed as a way for organizations to leverage talent to meet organizational objectives, however, man initiatives fail to yield results because diversity is approached as a numbers game (how many diverse people should I hire) instead of a systems change, i.e. what kind of organization do we need to be successful and meet the needs of our constituents? The Arc’s 2010-2016 Diversity Strategic Action Plan focuses our efforts to become an even more powerful advocate for people with I/DD. Join us as we talk about how to position your diversity initiative for success and achieve your organizational mission and vision.
1. Review the strategic purpose of diversity, inclusion and cultural competency
2. Review the need for a sound organizational imperative
3. Learn key steps to successfully implementing a change strategy around diversity within your chapter