Business Associate Agreements: What They Are, Who Needs Them, and How They Can Go Sideways
Jennifer Gimler Brady, Partner and General Counsel at Potter…

Appreciating the Content of a Business Associate Agreement
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX will be presenting with us. Business Associate Agreements (BAA) are not new; however, some individuals are new to healthcare and others never understood what a BAA is exactly. A BAA is a contract that fundamentally gives assurances that the parties are complying with the Security Rule and Privacy Rule, setting parameters in the event of a reportable security incident or a breach, and states how the sensitive data will be returned and destroyed at the end of the relationship. Some of the items in a BAA are required, while others are optional but common. This presentation not only seeks to dispel myths about why certain language is prevalent in nearly all BAAs, but also provides insight into other provisions, and items for consideration, in light of the 21st Century Cures Act.

Document Retention & Destruction
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this highly informative webinar. A multitude of laws, including HIPAA, require that certain types of documents be kept for a certain period of time. How does document retention play out for public companies subject to SOX and what should companies do in the event of a legal hold or a preservation request? This presentation addresses laws that are relevant to healthcare industry participants, as well as compliance suggestions, and steps to take when either a legal hold or a preservation request arrives.

Negotiations in Healthcare and Technology
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX and Bruce Lynskey, Co-Founder, Director, and Chief Executive Officer at ePrevenir will be presenting with us. Negotiating occurs in every facet of business and law. From contractual negotiations through settlement negotiations, it is a delicate dance. There are a variety of classic negotiation techniques, which include extreme posturing and “anchoring”. Healthcare and cybersecurity present unique challenges because of the looming exposure to a government investigation and either a civil and/or criminal action, even if a settlement is reached between two private parties. The purpose of this presentation is to provide approaches when negotiating contracts, settlements, and other items, which arise in healthcare and the cybersecurity industries.

HIPAA in the time of COVID-19: Recent updates and enforcement actions
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal…

Q&A: HIPAA: A Timely Overview & Update
Grant Elliott, CEO and chairman of Ostendio, a collaborative integrative risk-management SaaS platform, presented the webinar “HIPAA: A Timely Overview & Update”. Grant returned to answer many commonly asked questions from the webinar.