Making the Complexities of E&M Auditing Simplistic in Approach and Understanding for Complete Physician Buy-In

First Healthcare Compliance hosts Shannon DeConda of NAMAS and DoctorsManagement for an interactive discussion on “Making the Complexities of E&M Auditing Simplistic in Approach and Understanding for Complete Physician Buy-In.” During this session, we will take actual medical records and break them down from an auditing analysis point of view. We will walk through records, identifying gray areas within documentation guidelines, and why different elements may or may not be counted. This was originally a hands-on session and attendees were provided with the medical record and a laminated reusable auditing grid, putting them in the driver’s seat for auditing analysis during this session.

Objectives of this webinar:
1. Defining the history of the E&M and how it SHOULD project the severity of the patient according to the patient
2. Defining the Exam and Work of the physician as tools used by the provider for reasonable patient assessment
3. Identifying how the MDM should include the assessment of the provider of the patients clinical severity according to his analysis and interpretation all to portray the patient’s true complexity of care.