Individual’s Rights to Access PHI
An individual’s right to access their protected health information…

Jumpstart Your Compliance Program
The beginning of the New Year is a popular time for new initiatives.…

Is Your Compliance Program Effective?
Having a compliance program in place is a start but having an…

Deadline for Breach Reporting Coming Soon
As the end of the year approaches, keep in mind that all breaches…

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for…

Overview of a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA)
Health care fraud recoveries for fiscal years 2009- 2014 exceeded…

Are You Prepared for the HIPAA Phase 2 Audits?
After reviewing the HIPAA Privacy case investigations from 2009-2011,…

What is the Wall of Shame?
As part of HITECH, any breach of over 500 individuals will be…