The Biggest Health Care Scams in 2019 and How to Avoid Being a Target in 2020
Stephen Bittinger, our presenter,…

A Look Back at Our 2019 Healthcare Compliance Educational Webinars
It was an excellent year for educational webinars at First Healthcare Compliance, presented by top subject matter experts in the healthcare field. We want to take a moment to highlight our top webinar of 2019 and look back on the webinars and presenters we hosted during 2019!

I Fought The Law: What To Do When Facing A Potential/Actual Lawsuit
C. Trey Scott, an associate attorney…

Surviving an OCR Audit
Raymond Ribble, founder of SPHER…

Infographic: Helpful Tips for Healthcare Compliance Officers
Professionals responsible for compliance management seem to run short on time due to competing priorities and multiple projects. Gain control over the schedule by utilizing some common advice.