Medicare Revocation Webinar

Don’t Let a Medicare Revocation End Your Practice

Courtney Tito, Member of the Health Law group at McDonald Hopkins, LLC in its West Palm Beach office will be presenting this informative webinar. This presentation will provide the participants with an overview of the bases for Medicare Revocations and what types of issues can be addressed now to hopefully avoid a revocation action in the future. Additionally, Courtney will provide some thoughts on how best to respond to a notice of revocation and the impact of September 2019 Final Rule on the effect of revocation.
Medical Assistants during Covid Era Webinar

Expanded Roles and Duties for Medical Assistants during the COVID-19 Era

Donald A. Balasa, JD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer and Legal Counsel of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) leads this timely and informative webinar. The medical assisting profession has risen to the occasion as the United States and the world have been dealing with the most serious health crisis in the last 100 years. Medical assistants have been asked by public health officials, managers of health systems, and licensed providers to assume expanded roles and perform tasks beyond their normal scope of work. Because of the breadth of their education and training, medical assistants have been able to adapt quickly to these new responsibilities. Medical assistants have been called upon to work in nontraditional settings under the authority and supervision of a dedicated array of clinicians and administrators with whom they had not previously practiced (e.g., pharmacists).The purpose of this webinar is to identity the laws that establish the scope of practice for medical assistants, and to delineate the expanded tasks that medical assistants may be delegated under these laws. The legal principles placing limitations on the scope of work for medical assistants will be explained, and the expanded functions that are not delegable to medical assistants will be set forth.
OSHA COVID 2021 updates webinar

COVID-19: Workplace Safety, OSHA Updates, and Return to Work Issues

Jennifer Gimler Brady, Partner at Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP will be presenting this timely webinar. On January 29, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") issued new guidance for COVID-19 workplace safety programs. Among other things, the guidance recommends several essential elements of an effective COVID prevention program. This presentation will discuss the OSHA guidance, as well as other important considerations that employers should take into account when planning for returning employees to the workplace, including the pros and cons of mandatory COVID vaccines.
Biden First 100 Days Webinar

Employment & Labor Law in the First 100 Days of the Biden Administration

Catherine Walters, Partner at BYBEL RUTLEDGE LLP is a management-side labor and employment attorney representing employers of all sizes and will be presenting this timely webinar. A new President and a new DOL promise major changes for both employers and employees. We will discuss anticipated labor and employment policy changes under the new Biden Administration, including changes already in effect and changes yet to come.
Coding, Billing, Editing Webinar

1, 2, 3’s of Coding, Billing & Auditing

Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our presenter. Every organization needs to ensure correct coding and billing practices to optimize appropriate reimbursement and adhere to payer and CMS guidelines. This session will break down the key areas of concern and provide realistic solutions to efficiently and effective validate current processes and identify areas of potential concern.

A Look Back at Our 2020 Healthcare Compliance Educational Webinars

Webinars have always been vital in our educational outreach here at First Healthcare Compliance. In this unprecedented year where COVID-19 reached all our communities, we were happy to be there, wherever you were, keeping you abreast of the latest healthcare topics, laws, and changes as they happened with our highly informed, expert presenters through our complimentary webinars.  Here is a look back at our educational webinars in 2020 and a highlight of our top webinar and presenter.
Auditing Webinar

Have No Fear: Auditing to Benefit Healthcare Entities, A Step Towards Proactive Compliance Sonal Patel, CPMA, CPC, CMC,…