How to Prevent Employee Snooping and Insider Threats
Raymond Ribble is the CEO and Founder at SPHER, Inc. a market-leading compliance analytics, cyber-security solution addressing: HIPAA compliance, State Privacy Laws, and ePHI security threats and our presenter for this webinar. Snooping and Insider threats are exactly why user monitoring and ePHI access strategies are vital to the security of sensitive patient information and data protection. While it is an unsettling thought, not all cybersecurity incidents are traced from employee negligence. With so much attention and money surrounding cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, malicious employees may decide to purposefully disclose patient information. Since employees and contractors may have knowledge of your network setup, vulnerabilities, and access codes, snooping employees with malicious intent hold the key to exposing your organization to a series of unwanted risks and threats.
Employment and Labor Law Round-up With 2022 Forecast and Other HOT Topics
Catherine Walters, partner at BYBEL RUTLEDGE LLP, management-side labor and employment attorney representing employers of all sizes, will be presenting this timely webinar. During 2021 as the COVID pandemic raged on and the new Administration faced unprecedented challenges, extensive changes occurred in the employment and labor law landscape, and even more extensive changes are anticipated for 2022. This program will provide a quick update of 2021's most important developments and forecast what employers can expect in 2022. Attend this program to catch up on the Biden Administration's progress on its labor agenda, relevant Supreme Court decisions and how they affect employers, DOL agency activities, issues to worry about in 2022 and other hot topics, including OSHA, vaccination rules/policies, wage and hour issues, remote workplace tips, cannabis, restrictive covenants, to name a few.
AUC – Delayed but not Gone
Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our esteemed presenter. 2022 was scheduled to be the the official implementation date for AUC/CDS implementation but the 2022 Proposed Rule threw everyone a little curve ball. While a delay might occur it does not change the direction of the program or the need to prepare and test. As providers continue to either prepare their own practices or bridge the gap with imaging facilities, it is important that everyone be on the same page throughout the CMS implementation and remaining testing period.
Appreciating the Content of a Business Associate Agreement
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX will be presenting with us. Business Associate Agreements (BAA) are not new; however, some individuals are new to healthcare and others never understood what a BAA is exactly. A BAA is a contract that fundamentally gives assurances that the parties are complying with the Security Rule and Privacy Rule, setting parameters in the event of a reportable security incident or a breach, and states how the sensitive data will be returned and destroyed at the end of the relationship. Some of the items in a BAA are required, while others are optional but common. This presentation not only seeks to dispel myths about why certain language is prevalent in nearly all BAAs, but also provides insight into other provisions, and items for consideration, in light of the 21st Century Cures Act.
Document Retention & Destruction
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this highly informative webinar. A multitude of laws, including HIPAA, require that certain types of documents be kept for a certain period of time. How does document retention play out for public companies subject to SOX and what should companies do in the event of a legal hold or a preservation request? This presentation addresses laws that are relevant to healthcare industry participants, as well as compliance suggestions, and steps to take when either a legal hold or a preservation request arrives.