The Criminal Side of Cybersecurity and HIPAA
Expert presenter, Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX guides us during this important and informative webinar. Breaches and the lack of the requisite technical, administrative, and physical safeguards can have criminal consequences. While most people are familiar with civil cases, there is the potential for HIPAA violations and ransomware attacks to be prosecuted criminally. The purpose of this webinar is to highlight potential areas of criminal liability, give specific examples, and address mitigation techniques - both before and after a government discovery request or grand jury subpoena emerges.

The Legal Risks Behind Valuable Health Data Sharing
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will lead…

Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Ban Selling Health and Location Data
The new legislation would tighten the use of patients' health and location information. By guest author, Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA.

Health Data, A Value Proposition: Legal Risks with Innovative Data Sharing Projects
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will be leading this engaging webinar. These days, data is more valuable than oil. And health data is the most valuable of all data! Companies of all types should consider the legal risk with data valuation, data ownership, and data sharing agreements. Data sharing projects take many forms and address many important issues, including improvements in patient safety, fraud and abuse, population health, research, and costs to the health care system.The presentation offers best practices for these important issues and projects.

The Dobbs Opinion, the Repealing of Roe, & the Impact on the Privacy & Security of Patient Information
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this very timely subject for us.The Dobbs Opinion repealed fifty years of precedent under Roe. The implications of the Opinion extend beyond women’s reproductive rights and impact the privacy rights of all Americans. The purpose of this webinar is to explain the key aspects of the Dobbs Opinion related to privacy from both the Majority and the Dissent’s perspective, address the current legislative initiatives, HHS Guidance, and Executive Orders, as well as appreciate the role HIPAA plays in navigating Dobbs.