The Legal Risks Behind Valuable Health Data Sharing
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will lead…

Infographic: Compare the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute
The Federal Anti-Kickback Statute and the Stark Law are often confused because both laws deal with remuneration related to improper referrals. Large groups and multi-specialty practices must make an effort to
manage referrals and ancillary services while adhering to these important regulations. It's helpful to understand the fundamental distinctions between the two laws. Please view our helpful infographic.

DMEPOS – CMS Compliance and Requirements Updates
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this very timely subject for us. Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) includes an "entity or individual, including a physician or a Part A provider, which sells or rents Part B covered items to Medicare beneficiaries." There are special payment rules associated with DMEPOS. DMEPOS products have to meet quality standards, DMEPOS suppliers need to be accepted by Medicare to participate (similar to providers), and are subject to fraud, waste, and abuse laws. The purpose of this webinar to provide an overview of participation and quality requirements, relay the latest compliance and requirements updates, and address False Claims Act cases involving DMEPOS companies.

What You Should Know About Fraud, Healthcare, and the False Claims Act during the COVID-19 Era, Q&A with Shauna Itri
Shauna Itri, Partner at Seeger Weiss LLP recently presented the webinar “Fraud, Healthcare, COVID-19, and the False Claims Act.” Shauna returned to answer many commonly asked questions from the webinar.

Auditing to Benefit Physicians, A Step Towards Proactive Compliance, Q&A with Sonal Patel
Sonal Patel, CPMA, CPC, CMC, ICD-10-CM, Healthcare Coder and Compliance Consultant at Nexsen Pruet, LLC, presented the webinar “Have No Fear: Auditing to Benefit Healthcare Entities, A Step Towards Proactive Compliance” recently. Sonal returned to answer many commonly asked questions from the webinar.

Fraud, Healthcare, COVID-19, and the False Claims Act
Shauna Itri, Partner at Seeger Weiss LLP will be presenting for us today. A whistleblower or qui tam action can provide financial rewards to individuals who have information that a company/individual has committed fraud. The primary statutes under which this relief may be sought are the federal and state False Claims Acts (“FCAs”). In addition to the FCAs, there are other statutes which apply to tax fraud, securities fraud, and in California, fraud on private insurance companies. This practical Course will provide an overview of the False Claims Acts, the knowledge and skills to be able to recognize a potential whistleblower case, and understand the unique procedures utilized in filing whistleblower cases/tips. The second half of the Course will go into recent trends in cases brought (or could be brought) under the False Claims Act including cases involving mined data and potential fraud related to COVID-19.

Upcoming Presentations by Rachel Rose covering HIPAA and FWA
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA is a Principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C. (Houston, TX). She will lead the presentation Hot Topics in HIPAA and FWA at the upcoming Virtual Healthcare Compliance Symposium 2021 on April 22.