A Closer Look at the FTC and the Poaching of PHI
Join Rachel V. Rose's complimentary webinar on May 16, 12-1 pm ET, to learn about the increasing role of the Federal Trade Commission in the poaching of protected health information. The session will cover federal government initiatives, recent enforcement actions, risk mitigation measures, and implications of not obtaining appropriate consent.

Transcatheter Valvular Procedure Code Set Updates: New Technologies and the Codes You Should Capture
The transcatheter valvular procedure code set in CPT has significantly expanded since the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) codes were created in 2013. To keep up with the development of these novel treatment options in the subspecialty of interventional cardiology, several additions have been made to CPT to capture new procedures across all four cardiac valves in several areas of the code book. Additionally, many patients are enrolled in clinical trials as this area of medicine rapidly expands, creating the need for a nuanced understanding of coding, billing, and claim requirements beyond just the assignment of the correct CPT code.
Join Panacea Senior Healthcare Consultant Jayna Tuominen for this 60-minute webinar, where she will review the current state code set for transcatheter valvular heart interventions across all four cardiac valves and discuss how to successfully navigate clinical trial coding, billing, and claim submission for these procedures. This presentation will equip physicians, charge entry personnel, coding professionals, practice administrators, and revenue cycle staff with the information needed to perform accurate and compliant coding and claim submission.

Data Mine Your Claims
In today’s healthcare environment, there is increasing pressure to cut costs and it is more important than ever to find ways to quickly and efficiently identify coding and billing issues. Amidst a time of shrinking operating margins and heightened scrutiny by federal healthcare contractors, providers are seeking to focus on the benefits of technology-driven internal auditing. Learn more about how to stay ahead of payer audits by mining your own data from your claims to identify areas of risk and proactively fix potential issues.