Health Data, A Value Proposition: Legal Risks with Innovative Data Sharing Projects
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will be leading this engaging webinar. These days, data is more valuable than oil. And health data is the most valuable of all data! Companies of all types should consider the legal risk with data valuation, data ownership, and data sharing agreements. Data sharing projects take many forms and address many important issues, including improvements in patient safety, fraud and abuse, population health, research, and costs to the health care system.The presentation offers best practices for these important issues and projects.
How to Prevent Employee Snooping and Insider Threats
Raymond Ribble is the CEO and Founder at SPHER, Inc. a market-leading compliance analytics, cyber-security solution addressing: HIPAA compliance, State Privacy Laws, and ePHI security threats and our presenter for this webinar. Snooping and Insider threats are exactly why user monitoring and ePHI access strategies are vital to the security of sensitive patient information and data protection. While it is an unsettling thought, not all cybersecurity incidents are traced from employee negligence. With so much attention and money surrounding cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, malicious employees may decide to purposefully disclose patient information. Since employees and contractors may have knowledge of your network setup, vulnerabilities, and access codes, snooping employees with malicious intent hold the key to exposing your organization to a series of unwanted risks and threats.
Hardware Hacking Trends – The Insecurity of Everything
John Shegerian of ERI and co-author of the cybersecurity book, "the Insecurity of Everything" will be presenting a talk about cybersecurity titled “The Insecurity of Everything: How Hardware Data Security is Becoming the Most Important Topic in the World” and will share some of the latest information about the very real problem of hardware hacking in the world of healthcare and beyond and how that issue became even more serious during the pandemic, with so many people working from home. He will also be explaining critical information for health-related businesses to help them keep their private data – and the data of their patients and customers – protected!