False Claims Act “Hot Areas” – What Counsel and Compliance Officers Need to Know
Expert presenter, Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX guides us through current trends and tips. With its roots stemming back to 1863, the False Claims Act continues to be the U.S. Department of Justice's primary enforcement tool for returning money to the Federal Treasury. It is also considered one of five fundamental fraud, waste, and abuse laws, which potentially impact a provider every time a claim is submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs because of the attestation language. The purpose of this webinar is to provide a synopsis of the False Claims Act and the current landscape in relation to coverage determinations and the federal Anti-Kickback Statute.

DMEPOS – CMS Compliance and Requirements Updates
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this very timely subject for us. Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) includes an "entity or individual, including a physician or a Part A provider, which sells or rents Part B covered items to Medicare beneficiaries." There are special payment rules associated with DMEPOS. DMEPOS products have to meet quality standards, DMEPOS suppliers need to be accepted by Medicare to participate (similar to providers), and are subject to fraud, waste, and abuse laws. The purpose of this webinar to provide an overview of participation and quality requirements, relay the latest compliance and requirements updates, and address False Claims Act cases involving DMEPOS companies.

AUC – Delayed but not Gone
Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our esteemed presenter. 2022 was scheduled to be the the official implementation date for AUC/CDS implementation but the 2022 Proposed Rule threw everyone a little curve ball. While a delay might occur it does not change the direction of the program or the need to prepare and test. As providers continue to either prepare their own practices or bridge the gap with imaging facilities, it is important that everyone be on the same page throughout the CMS implementation and remaining testing period.

Don’t Let a Medicare Revocation End Your Practice
Courtney Tito, Member of the Health Law group at McDonald Hopkins, LLC in its West Palm Beach office will be presenting this informative webinar. This presentation will provide the participants with an overview of the bases for Medicare Revocations and what types of issues can be addressed now to hopefully avoid a revocation action in the future. Additionally, Courtney will provide some thoughts on how best to respond to a notice of revocation and the impact of September 2019 Final Rule on the effect of revocation.

How to Manage the Challenges of MIPS Reporting
Robert Hopton, Chief Executive…