Are You Aware of the Whistleblower Provisions of the False Claim Act ?
The whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act have lead…
Complying with Stark Law: Can you bill Medicare when treating your family members?
The treatment of family members falls under General Exclusions…
How would your staff react to an auditor or investigator?
Audits and investigations are stressful events either with or…
Are you a Meaningful User of the Future?
Since the Electronic Health Records (EHR) incentive program known…
$22 M of Potential Fraud, Waste and Abuse Discovered in 2012 Medicare Ophthalmology Claims
In 2012, approximately 49 million Medicare claims were related…
CMS Just Announced New Provider Enrollment Provisions
As of December 3, 2014, new safeguards have been added to the…
Are You Billing for Home Care Visits?
Physician home visits are under scrutiny by CMS for any possible…
Have You Reviewed the OIG 2015 Workplan?
The 2015 Workplan of the Office of the Inspector General highlights…
What Should You Do After Discovering a Billing Error?
Just correct the problem and you will be compliant?
No, but…
Improper Payments for Evaluation & Management Services Cost Medicare Billions in 2010
According to the Office of the Inspector General’s report for…