Hardware Hacking Trends – The Insecurity of Everything
John Shegerian of ERI and co-author of the cybersecurity book, "the Insecurity of Everything" will be presenting a talk about cybersecurity titled “The Insecurity of Everything: How Hardware Data Security is Becoming the Most Important Topic in the World” and will share some of the latest information about the very real problem of hardware hacking in the world of healthcare and beyond and how that issue became even more serious during the pandemic, with so many people working from home. He will also be explaining critical information for health-related businesses to help them keep their private data – and the data of their patients and customers – protected!

Combating Ransomware in Healthcare
William J McBorrough, co-Founder and Chief Security Advisor at MCGlobalTech, a Washington, D.C.-based Information Security Consulting Firm will be presenting this informative webinar. Ransomware attacks have impacted thousands of organizations worldwide. The healthcare sector has been the most targeted. Join for a discussion of the state of ransomware in the healthcare sector in 2021 and best practices to prepare your organization from the inevitable attacks.

Recent Attacks on Data Security: The Stuff of Nightmares!
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will be leading this engaging webinar concerning new developments in data privacy protections and cyber security threats. This presentation will include information on state law protections and expansions, thoughts regarding recent developments in cyber security issues like ransomware, and analysis of the greatest data privacy and security risks to companies in the current legal and regulatory environment.

Document Retention & Destruction
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this highly informative webinar. A multitude of laws, including HIPAA, require that certain types of documents be kept for a certain period of time. How does document retention play out for public companies subject to SOX and what should companies do in the event of a legal hold or a preservation request? This presentation addresses laws that are relevant to healthcare industry participants, as well as compliance suggestions, and steps to take when either a legal hold or a preservation request arrives.