Data Mine Your Claims
In today’s healthcare environment, there is increasing pressure to cut costs and it is more important than ever to find ways to quickly and efficiently identify coding and billing issues. Amidst a time of shrinking operating margins and heightened scrutiny by federal healthcare contractors, providers are seeking to focus on the benefits of technology-driven internal auditing. Learn more about how to stay ahead of payer audits by mining your own data from your claims to identify areas of risk and proactively fix potential issues.

Missed Our Recent E/M Updates 2023 Training? Find Out More Here
Did you miss Evaluation and Management Updates 2023: Training and Q&A presented by Panacea Healthcare Solutions’ Director of Coding & Documentation Services, Becky Jacobsen, CCS-P, CPC, CPEDC, CBCS, MBS, CEMC, BSN? Look no further. Our experts have developed a set of customized resources to aid professionals as they put the guidelines into practice.

Get to Know the 2023 E/M Updates: Training and Q&A Session Feb 7th
Executive Vice President of Coding & Documentation, Kathy Pride, RHIT, CPC, CCS-P, and Director of Coding & Documentation Services, Becky Jacobson, CCS-P, CPC, CPEDC, CBCS, MBS, CEMC, BSN at Panacea Healthcare Solutions will lead the complementary training and Q&A session, “Evaluation and Management Updates 2023: Training and Q&A” on February 7, 1-2:45 pm ET

Evaluation and Management Updates 2023: Training and Q&A
Join Panacea Healthcare Solutions’ Director of Coding & Documentation Services, Becky Jacobsen, CCS-P, CPC, CPEDC, CBCS, MBS, CEMC, BSN, and Executive Vice President of Coding & Documentation, Kathy Pride, RHIT, CPC, CCS-P, for a complimentary 90-minute training where they will review the 2023 E&M documentation guidelines and requirements and provide examples on how to improve your internal documentation processes to ensure appropriate reimbursement and avoid compliance issues. A live Q&A at the end of the training will provide the opportunity to ask questions. Those who register will receive the recording along with a post-training FAQ sheet to reference as you put these new guidelines into practice.

5 Key Benefits of Auditing to Help Avoid Scary Scenarios
Many practitioner audits fall short of best practices. The modern healthcare environment and complex goals for compliance require time, expertise, and attention to detail. Ideally, audits occur at regular intervals and identify incidents and patterns of potential billing and coding risk. There are also some surprising upsides of professional audits that include greater visibility of under-coding.