7 Fast Facts about the False Claims Act

The False Claims Act and healthcare fraud and abuse are important…

Ride-Sharing Companies are your new HIPAA Business Associates

Early this month Uber introduced the launch of Uber Health, a…

3 Great Sources for Healthcare Compliance Training and Education

Compliance officers know the importance of developing and offering…

Workplace Discrimination Statistics FY2017

Workplace discrimination charges in 2017 kept the EEOC busy…

HIPAA Alert- Improper PHI Disclosure Leads to OCR Settlement

This week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)…

How to Prevent Noncompliance with Hand Hygiene

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports…

Get the Flu Facts! How to protect your patients, your employees and yourself

It's flu season! Flu protection is incredibly important, especially…
Patient Safety CRPs

Conquer Patient Safety Challenges with CRPs

Improving patient safety, decreasing rates of error, and minimizing…

Preventing a HIPAA Breach – Phishing Attacks and Access

Your organization’s security risk analysis and security awareness…

Understand the Difference: Certificate vs. Certification

This past September, First Healthcare Compliance released our…