Workplace Civility: What Non-Unionized Employers Need to Know to Navigate the NLRA
Lauren E.M. Russell, Counsel at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP leads this hot-topic webinar. The National Labor Relations Board under the Biden Administration has expressed a renewed interest in expanding its influence into non-unionized work forces. This includes reviewing and--in the right circumstances challenging--employers' use of workplace civility, confidentiality, and anti-harassment policies. Learn what you need to know to safely navigate the National Labor Relations Act while ensuring that your employees enjoy a safe and respectful work environment.
DMEPOS – CMS Compliance and Requirements Updates
Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this very timely subject for us. Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) includes an "entity or individual, including a physician or a Part A provider, which sells or rents Part B covered items to Medicare beneficiaries." There are special payment rules associated with DMEPOS. DMEPOS products have to meet quality standards, DMEPOS suppliers need to be accepted by Medicare to participate (similar to providers), and are subject to fraud, waste, and abuse laws. The purpose of this webinar to provide an overview of participation and quality requirements, relay the latest compliance and requirements updates, and address False Claims Act cases involving DMEPOS companies.
Employment and Labor Law Round-up With 2022 Forecast and Other HOT Topics
Catherine Walters, partner at BYBEL RUTLEDGE LLP, management-side labor and employment attorney representing employers of all sizes, will be presenting this timely webinar. During 2021 as the COVID pandemic raged on and the new Administration faced unprecedented challenges, extensive changes occurred in the employment and labor law landscape, and even more extensive changes are anticipated for 2022. This program will provide a quick update of 2021's most important developments and forecast what employers can expect in 2022. Attend this program to catch up on the Biden Administration's progress on its labor agenda, relevant Supreme Court decisions and how they affect employers, DOL agency activities, issues to worry about in 2022 and other hot topics, including OSHA, vaccination rules/policies, wage and hour issues, remote workplace tips, cannabis, restrictive covenants, to name a few.