Workplace Civility Webinar

Workplace Civility: What Non-Unionized Employers Need to Know to Navigate the NLRA

Lauren E.M. Russell, Counsel at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP leads this hot-topic webinar. The National Labor Relations Board under the Biden Administration has expressed a renewed interest in expanding its influence into non-unionized work forces. This includes reviewing and--in the right circumstances challenging--employers' use of workplace civility, confidentiality, and anti-harassment policies. Learn what you need to know to safely navigate the National Labor Relations Act while ensuring that your employees enjoy a safe and respectful work environment.
OSHA COVID 2021 updates webinar

COVID-19: Workplace Safety, OSHA Updates, and Return to Work Issues

Jennifer Gimler Brady, Partner at Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP will be presenting this timely webinar. On January 29, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") issued new guidance for COVID-19 workplace safety programs. Among other things, the guidance recommends several essential elements of an effective COVID prevention program. This presentation will discuss the OSHA guidance, as well as other important considerations that employers should take into account when planning for returning employees to the workplace, including the pros and cons of mandatory COVID vaccines.
Speaker Highlight: Navigating the Background Check & FCRA Compliance Minefield

Speaker Highlight: Navigating the Background Check & FCRA Compliance Minefield

Catherine Walters, Partner at Bybel Rutledge LLP will lead the presentation Navigating the Background Check and FCRA Compliance Minefield at the Healthcare Compliance Symposium 2020 on April 23, 2020.
Got Diversity. Get Inclusion! and the Pending FLSA Changes

Got Diversity. Get Inclusion! and the Pending FLSA Changes Warren Cook, President and CEO…

Q&A: Navigating the Background Check and FCRA Compliance Minefield

Catherine E. Walters, Esq., partner at Bybel Rutledge LLP and Chair of the firm’s Employment/Labor Law Group, presented the webinar “Navigating the Background Check and FCRA Compliance Minefield.” Ms. Walters answers common questions regarding the pre-employment screening process.
Healthcare Compliance - Incidicent Medicare

Don’t Pay for Free Workplace Posters That Are Required By Law

Employers are required to advise employees of their federal rights…