Ride-Sharing Companies are your new HIPAA Business Associates

Early this month Uber introduced the launch of Uber Health, a…

HIPAA Alert- Improper PHI Disclosure Leads to OCR Settlement

This week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)…

Preventing a HIPAA Breach – Phishing Attacks and Access

Your organization’s security risk analysis and security awareness…
HIPAA Privacy

7 Steps for Handling a Patient HIPAA Privacy Complaint

A patient voices a concern of privacy violation because the provider…

Implement Reasonable Safeguards Before Hitting Reply to a Patient Email

A patient sends an email using their Gmail account discussing…
Data Breach

Top 3 Factors to Reduce Costs of Data Breach

Recent ransomware cyberattacks are a wakeup call to the healthcare…
HIPAA Breach

Fundamentals Course 2023

A self- paced comprehensive course covering the fundamentals…

Facts about 5 HIPAA Compliance Myths

HIPAA Myth #1 “I don’t bill Medicare, so I don’t need to…

Healthcare Cybersecurity

With healthcare information breaches on the rise, it's more important…
HIPAA Breach

A Costly Lesson in Untimely Reporting of a HIPAA Breach

Presence St. Joseph Medical Center, a hospital of Presence Health…