Cyber Risk Webinar

Healthcare’s Enterprise Cyber Risk Management Imperative

Bob Chaput, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board of Clearwater, a provider of healthcare compliance and cyber risk management software and consulting services is presenting with us. Healthcare organizations continue to see escalating numbers of cyberattacks. It is no longer a matter of if your organization will be targeted, but when. What is at stake? Everything.

HIPAA Business Associate Agreements Under HITECH V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal…
Data Analytics Podcast

Securing Your Data Analytics Program This webinar is presented by…

Vendor Management In Healthcare: The High Cost of Failing to Triage Your Vendors Rebecca L. Rakoski, co-founder…

Active Shooter in a Healthcare Facility-Planning for Responding to & Recovering from the Unthinkable Steve Wilder Senior Consultant…

Surviving an OCR Audit Raymond Ribble, founder of SPHER…
Healthcare Compliance Solutions and News

Are you trying to prevent medical identity theft?

Medical identity theft continues to be major problem in the US…
Healthcare Compliance Solutions and News

What is the Wall of Shame?

As part of HITECH, any breach of over 500 individuals will be…
Healthcare Compliance Solutions and News

Theft Tops Data Breach Incidents IN 2014

The OCR reports 54 data breach incidents affecting more than…