ADC Webinar

Automatic Dispensing Cabinets, Patient Care, & the Actual Sentence in the RaDonda Vaught Case

Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX presents this very timely and fascinating subject for us. A former nurse was charged, criminally prosecuted, and in March 2022, convicted of gross neglect of an impaired adult and negligent homicide for a 2017 fatal drug error. This webinar approaches the facts and circumstances, which led to the fatal error, the role that Automatic Dispensing Cabinets (ADCs) played in the process in order to prevent similar situations. The purpose is to inform participants of a myriad of items so that facilities can evaluate and implement appropriate safeguards, train nurses and other staff, and take corrective actions before an adverse patient outcome occurs. What happened here is preventable and nurses should not flee the profession, especially because of the compassion shown by the judge.
Workplace Civility Webinar

Workplace Civility: What Non-Unionized Employers Need to Know to Navigate the NLRA

Lauren E.M. Russell, Counsel at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP leads this hot-topic webinar. The National Labor Relations Board under the Biden Administration has expressed a renewed interest in expanding its influence into non-unionized work forces. This includes reviewing and--in the right circumstances challenging--employers' use of workplace civility, confidentiality, and anti-harassment policies. Learn what you need to know to safely navigate the National Labor Relations Act while ensuring that your employees enjoy a safe and respectful work environment.
What is OSHA Compliance Training?

What is OSHA Compliance Training?

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA has the authority to issue workplace health and safety regulations known as OSHA Standards. There are nine OSHA standards that are most frequently addressed regarding the healthcare industry.

AUC – Delayed but not Gone

Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our esteemed presenter. 2022 was scheduled to be the the official implementation date for AUC/CDS implementation but the 2022 Proposed Rule threw everyone a little curve ball. While a delay might occur it does not change the direction of the program or the need to prepare and test. As providers continue to either prepare their own practices or bridge the gap with imaging facilities, it is important that everyone be on the same page throughout the CMS implementation and remaining testing period.