Next Level Security Incident Response: Do You Speak IT?
Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli, will present Next Level Security Incident Response: Do You Speak IT? at the upcoming Virtual HIPAA Privacy and Security Summit 2021 on November 18.
Iliana L. Peters believes good data privacy and security is fundamental to ensuring patients’ trust in the health care system, and to helping health care clients succeed in an ever-changing landscape of threats to data security. She is recognized by the health care industry as a preeminent thinker and speaker on data privacy and security, particularly with regard to HIPAA, the HITECH Act, the 21st Century Cures Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), the Privacy Act, and emerging cyber threats to health data.
For over a decade, she both developed health information privacy and security policy, including on emerging technologies and cyber threats, for the Department of Health and Human Services, and enforced HIPAA regulations through spearheading multi-million dollar settlement agreements and civil money penalties pursuant to HIPAA. Iliana also focused on training individuals in both the private and public sector, including compliance investigators, auditors, and State Attorneys General, on HIPAA regulations and policy, and on good data privacy and security practices.
As a CISSP, Iliana works hard to bridge the gap between legal requirements for the security of health data and security industry best practices, so that clients can better understand data security issues and jargon. She is excited to bring her extensive experience drafting, implementing, and enforcing health privacy and security regulations and guidance to a practice that focuses on helping clients develop and implement good data privacy and security practices to avoid risk, and helping clients prepare for and recover from emerging cyber threats.
Click here for more information or to register for the Summit!