How to Safeguard Healthcare Business Assets
Expert attorneys Sean McKenna, Lauren Nelson, and Vincent Aiello of Spencer Fane LLP will share their insights in the complementary webinar, Preserving and Protecting Assets In Healthcare on October 13, 12 pm ET.

OSHA, COVID and YOU – Where Are We NOW?
Catherine E. Walters provides exclusive management-side labor and employment services for employers of all sizes, including privately and publicly held companies, government contractors, institutions of higher education, health care providers, trade associations and other non-profit organizations. Join us at the Healthcare Compliance Symposium on April 28, 2022 for her presentation covering the current state of OSHA, COVID and more.

Employment and Labor Law Round-up With 2022 Forecast and Other HOT Topics
Catherine Walters, partner at BYBEL RUTLEDGE LLP, management-side labor and employment attorney representing employers of all sizes, will be presenting this timely webinar. During 2021 as the COVID pandemic raged on and the new Administration faced unprecedented challenges, extensive changes occurred in the employment and labor law landscape, and even more extensive changes are anticipated for 2022. This program will provide a quick update of 2021's most important developments and forecast what employers can expect in 2022. Attend this program to catch up on the Biden Administration's progress on its labor agenda, relevant Supreme Court decisions and how they affect employers, DOL agency activities, issues to worry about in 2022 and other hot topics, including OSHA, vaccination rules/policies, wage and hour issues, remote workplace tips, cannabis, restrictive covenants, to name a few.

FAQ: Ever Shifting Vaccination Landscape
The COVID vaccination landscape, both within the healthcare sector and at other businesses, is in flux. It's challenging to keep up with current requirements and recommendations. At First Healthcare Compliance we strive to serve as a trusted resource and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

Battlefield Medicine, DNR Directives and Ventilator Allocation in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic
COVID-19 is raising issues around the globe regarding the application of battlefield medicine, the allocation of resources (i.e., ventilators and equipment) and the invocation of universal DNR orders. Interestingly, there is an intersection among mass casualty response, allocation of resources and DNR orders. This article will address battlefield triage medicine, allocation of resources (specifically ventilators) and DNR orders in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fraud, Healthcare, COVID-19, and the False Claims Act
Shauna Itri, Partner at Seeger Weiss LLP will be presenting for us today. A whistleblower or qui tam action can provide financial rewards to individuals who have information that a company/individual has committed fraud. The primary statutes under which this relief may be sought are the federal and state False Claims Acts (“FCAs”). In addition to the FCAs, there are other statutes which apply to tax fraud, securities fraud, and in California, fraud on private insurance companies. This practical Course will provide an overview of the False Claims Acts, the knowledge and skills to be able to recognize a potential whistleblower case, and understand the unique procedures utilized in filing whistleblower cases/tips. The second half of the Course will go into recent trends in cases brought (or could be brought) under the False Claims Act including cases involving mined data and potential fraud related to COVID-19.

Q&A: COVID-19: Workplace Safety, OSHA Training Updates, and Return to Work Issues
Jennifer Gimler Brady, Partner at Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP presented the timely and informative webinar COVID-19: Workplace Safety, OSHA Updates, and Return to Work Issues. Jennifer returned to answer many commonly asked questions.