Avoiding HR Issues at Company Events & Building an Engaging Culture

Avoiding HR Issues at Company Events & Building an Engaging Culture

Company culture is a factor that can lead to sustained success or unexpected failure. For this reason leadership should pay special attention to the design, development, implementation and management of the company culture to ensure it is sustainable and beneficial to the business. This webinar, led by Warren Cook, President and Co-Founder of SymbianceHR, will review the concept of business culture, explain the various constructs that form culture, and provide strategies to improve engagement with the workforce to support the desired culture for your business.

As this webinar is scheduled during the holiday season, we wanted to identify employment practice risks and liabilities that may be difficult to prepare for when planning holiday related company sponsored events. We will begin this webinar by providing you practical tips and strategies to ensure you consider critical factors as you plan these events for your company.


– Ensuring an inclusive holiday event planning and execution in the workplace.
– Do’s and Don’ts to avoid the post-event regret.
– Defining your culture, recognizing what it really is and promoting what you really want.
– Teaching, implementing and maintaining an engaging culture.