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156 search results for: Audit


5 Key Benefits of Auditing to Help Avoid Scary Scenarios

Many practitioner audits fall short of best practices. The modern healthcare environment and complex goals for compliance require time, expertise, and attention to detail. Ideally, audits occur at regular intervals and identify incidents and patterns of potential billing and coding risk. There are also some surprising upsides of professional audits that include greater visibility of under-coding.


1, 2, 3’s of Coding, Billing, & Auditing

Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our presenter. Every organization needs to ensure correct coding and billing practices to optimize appropriate reimbursement and adhere to payer and CMS guidelines. Whether the providers are responsible for coding or the organization employs coding professionals there are steps every organization should take to ensure correct processes. This session will break down the key areas of concern and provide realistic solutions to efficiently and effective validate current processes and identify areas of potential concern.


1, 2, 3’s of Coding, Billing & Auditing

Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, FAHRA, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, CPC-H is the President of Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies LLC and our presenter. Every organization needs to ensure correct coding and billing practices to optimize appropriate reimbursement and adhere to payer and CMS guidelines. This session will break down the key areas of concern and provide realistic solutions to efficiently and effective validate current processes and identify areas of potential concern.


Have No Fear: Auditing to Benefit Healthcare Entities, A Step Towards Proactive Compliance

Sonal Patel, CPMA, CPC, CMC, ICD-10-CM, Healthcare Coder and Compliance Consultant at Nexsen Pruet, LLC with will be presenting this vital webinar. Understanding that medical entities must embrace their own data – analyze it by trending and tracking it to stay ahead of payor data mining tactics. The significance of a certified professional medical auditor […]


Compliance Program Effectiveness: Auditing and Monitoring

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) states, “[o]ne of the seven critical elements of a compliance program is ongoing auditing and monitoring.” The OIG has noted that organizations should incorporate independent reviews and compliance program effectiveness evaluations to identify compliance gaps and evince that the compliance program is effective. This course will review the distinct […]


Compliance Program Effectiveness: Auditing and Monitoring

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) states, “[o]ne of the seven critical elements of a compliance program is ongoing auditing and monitoring.” The OIG has noted that organizations should incorporate independent reviews and compliance program effectiveness evaluations to identify compliance gaps and evince that the compliance program is effective. This course will review the distinct […]


Payor Disputes and Audits: Observations & Strategies

Catherine Short speaks with Courtney Tito, Esq., Member of the Health Law group at McDonald Hopkins, LLC in its West Palm Beach office about “Payor Disputes and Audits: Observations & Strategies.” Our discussion will help listeners better understand the payor audit process and prepare the organization to respond. We will talk about the payor audit process from the government perspective and compare and contrast typical government audits with typical commercial audits. Finally, we will identify some best practices that providers can implement now to prepare for payor audits.