Are You Worried a HIPAA or Cyber Exposure Could Ruin Your Practice

Your Medical Liability Carrier Can Help presented by Mike Nolen,…

Business Associate Agreements under HIPAA What You Need to Know

First Healthcare Compliance hosts Jennifer Gimler Brady, Esq of Potter, Anderson, Coroon LLP for a discussion on what you need to know about business associates, essential terms of business associate agreements and lessons the Office of Civil Rights Phase 2 Audits and enforcement actions.

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- Bittinger Law

An interview with Stephen Bittinger of Bittinger Law. What…
Halo Health

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- Halo Health

An interview with Jim Cucinotta, CEO of Halo Health International. Who…

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- SecurityMetrics

An interview with Sam Roden, Director of SMB Sales at SecurityMetrics. Could…

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- PracticeWorx

An interview with Josh Plummer, President and CEO of PracticeWorx. What…
Weiner Benefits

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- Weiner Benefits Group

An interview with Mike Reckner, Partner at The Weiner Benefits Group
Choice MedWaste

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- Choice MedWaste

An interview with Matt Georgov, Vice President of Sales and Operations at Choice MedWaste.
Identillect Technologies

First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- Identillect Technologies

An Interview with Todd Sexton, President and CEO of Identillect Technologies.