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258 search results for: data


Updates to the Quality Payment Program

On November 16, 2017, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is expected to publish the final rule to address updates to the Quality Payment Program (QPP).  The new “Patients Over Paperwork” initiative provides for streamlining with goals of reducing unnecessary burden, increasing efficiencies, and improving the beneficiary experience. This effort emphasizes a commitment […]


Healthcare Compliance Pop Quiz

{“questions”:{“ar9wd”:{“title”:”Can physicians offer cash discounts?”,”mediaType”:”image”,”image”:””,”imageCredit”:””,”video”:””,”imagePlaceholder”:””,”desc”:”Concierge practices that accept only cash and typically require a retainer may be exempt from limitations. However, offering discounts for cash payments may violate any contract between a payer and provider since it impacts the payer\u2019s negotiated rates. Therefore, physicians should determine if there are any contractual limits to offering such […]


Avoid Denials and Mitigate Risk Under the CMS CERT Program

Insufficient documentation is by far the most common reason for denying a claim or improperly paying a claim. Improperly paid claims become problematic after identification by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT), a random sampling of claims evaluated for compliance with Medicare coverage, coding and billing rules.   […]


Tips for Submitting OSHA Form 300A by the Deadline!

Do not wait to electronically submit your organization’s 2016 OSHA 300A Summary of Work Related Illness and Injury form. OSHA’s long anticipated secure electronic submission website is currently live with a new submission deadline of December 1st, 2017.  The size and type of your establishment will determine if you must submit the OSHA 300A form […]


3 Common Misconceptions about MIPS

Even though the largest healthcare fraud takedown in history occurred in July, 2017, QPP, MACRA, MIPS and APMs continue to dominate the compliance conversation. Confusion and discontent are present as providers and managers struggle to make decisions regarding their approach to regulations that will determine the amount of their future Medicare reimbursements. Results of a […]


Webinar Q and A: Opioid Prescription Drug Abuse

First Healthcare Compliance hosted an educational webinar, “Risk Management Considerations with Prescription Drug Abuse” with Mike Midgley RN, JD, MPH, CPHRM, DFASHRM. Click here to view the webinar. For prescribers, dispensers and their employees, Mike provides answers to some commonly asked questions regarding risks related to prescription drugs.   Q: What is the best way […]


First Healthcare Compliance Podcast- DoctorsManagement

An interview with Valora Gurganious, Partner and Senior Management Consultant at DoctorsManagement, LLC. What is DoctorsManagement and what do you offer? DoctorsManagement, LLC (DM) is a leading provider of business solution services to a wide variety of organizations including leading academic institutions, integrated delivery health systems, physician owned and managed groups, and more than 30 law firms that […]


Can I Pour Barium Down the Drain?

What is Barium? Barium occurs naturally, but is manufactured for medical procedures. Barium has been used as a diagnostic contrast medium for almost a century in fluoroscopic procedures such as an Upper Gastrointestinal Series (UGI) or a Barium Enema (BE).  However, the appropriate method for Barium disposal continues to raise questions and create uncertainty in healthcare […]


Using Software to Stay Ahead of the Compliance Curve

Making compliance an integral part of your healthcare organization can seem daunting amidst sophisticated healthcare laws. Luckily software applications have come a long way. Incorporating the right software tools into your compliance strategy will help your organization stay ahead of the curve when it comes to ensuring compliance. For instance, using the right software tools […]


Webinar Q&A: Business Associate Agreements

First Healthcare Compliance hosted an educational webinar, “Business Associate Agreements: What You Need to Know” with Jennifer Gimler Brady, Esq. of Potter, Anderson, Corroon, LLP. Click here to view the webinar. For covered entities and business associates, Jennifer provides answers to some commonly asked questions regarding Business Associate Agreements (BAA). Is a physician practice required […]