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258 search results for: data


The Risk of Data Sharing

1st Talk Compliance features guest Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC, on the topic of The Risk of Data Sharing. Iliana joins our host Catherine Short to discuss how these days, health data is an incredibly valuable commodity. Companies of all types should consider the legal risk with data valuation, data ownership, and data sharing agreements. In this episode, we will be discussing the scope and breadth of data sharing projects in development in the health care sector, examine contractual, state, federal, and international legal obligations for data privacy and security for such projects, and discuss issues related to data ownership that may also be part of such projects.


Legal Risks With Health Data Sharing: Q&A

Shareholder Iliana L. Peters of Polsinelli PC recently held the informative webinar Health Data, A Value Proposition: Legal Risks with Innovative Data Sharing Projects joined by Catherine Short and First Healthcare Compliance. Read more from Iliana and Catherine’s question and answer session related to the risks and issues involved with data sharing projects.


Data Mine Your Claims

In today’s healthcare environment, there is increasing pressure to cut costs and it is more important than ever to find ways to quickly and efficiently identify coding and billing issues. Amidst a time of shrinking operating margins and heightened scrutiny by federal healthcare contractors, providers are seeking to focus on the benefits of technology-driven internal auditing. Learn more about how to stay ahead of payer audits by mining your own data from your claims to identify areas of risk and proactively fix potential issues.


Health Data, A Value Proposition: Legal Risks with Innovative Data Sharing Projects – Audio Version of the Webinar

Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will be leading this engaging audio version of her webinar presentation. These days, data is more valuable than oil. And health data is the most valuable of all data! Companies of all types should consider the legal risk with data valuation, data ownership, and data sharing agreements. Data sharing projects take many forms and address many important issues, including improvements in patient safety, fraud and abuse, population health, research, and costs to the health care system. That said, the contractual, state, federal, and international regulatory requirements applicable to such data sharing projects are significant. As such, health care entities may be particularly vulnerable to legal risk related to data sharing projects involving health data. Specifically, health care entities should consider contractual obligation, HIPAA, state privacy laws, and other requirements, as well as discuss risk assessment, data sharing agreements, key provisions, and business associate relationships. The presentation offers best practices for these important issues and projects.


The Legal Risks Behind Valuable Health Data Sharing

Iliana L. Peters, Shareholder at Polsinelli PC will lead the complementary webinar, “Health Data, A Value Proposition: Legal Risks with Innovative Data Sharing Projects” on December 13, 2022 at 1 pm ET. Watch as Iliana discusses: the scope and breadth of data sharing projects in development in the health care sector contractual, state, federal, and international […]


The Insecurity of Everything: The Vital Importance of Hardware Data Security

1st Talk Compliance features guest John Shegerian, Chairman and CEO of ERI, the largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction and electronic waste recycling company in the United States and co-author of the cybersecurity book, “The Insecurity of Everything” on the topic of “The Insecurity of Everything: The Vital Importance of Hardware Data Security.” He will share some of the latest information about the very real problem of hardware hacking in the world of healthcare and beyond and how that issue became even more serious during the pandemic, with so many people working from home. He will also be explaining critical information for health-related businesses to help them keep their private data – and the data of their patients and customers – protected!