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5 Key Benefits of Auditing to Help Avoid Scary Scenarios

Many practitioner audits fall short of best practices. The modern healthcare environment and complex goals for compliance require time, expertise, and attention to detail. Ideally, audits occur at regular intervals and identify incidents and patterns of potential billing and coding risk. There are also some surprising upsides of professional audits that include greater visibility of under-coding.


Have a Breach? Reporting Requirements with the OCR

1st Talk Compliance features guest Trey Scott, Coordinating Attorney at Kennedy, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, on the topic of “Have a Breach? Reporting Requirements with the OCR.”Trey joins our host, Catherine Short to discuss the reporting requirements for a data breach of a healthcare provider, the definition of a breach, different timelines for reporting breaches, as well as how to complete a breach reporting form from the Office of Civil Rights.


How New Legislation Impacts Privacy

1st Talk Compliance features guest Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX, on the topic of “How New Legislation Impacts Privacy.” The Dobbs Opinion repealed fifty years of precedent under Roe. The implications of the Opinion extend beyond women’s reproductive rights and impact the privacy rights of all Americans. The purpose of this episode is to explain the key aspects of the Dobbs Opinion related to privacy from both the Majority and the Dissent’s perspective, address the current legislative initiatives, HHS Guidance, and Executive Orders, as well as appreciate the role HIPAA plays in navigating Dobbs.


Combatting Ransomware in Healthcare

1st Talk Compliance features guest William J McBorrough, co-Founder and Chief Security Advisor at MCGlobalTech, a D.C.-based Information Security Consulting Firm on the topic of “Combatting Ransomware in Healthcare.” William joins our host, Catherine Short to examine how ransomware attacks have impacted thousands of organizations worldwide with the healthcare sector having been the most targeted. Join us in a discussion of the state of ransomware in the healthcare sector and best practices to prepare your organization from the inevitable attacks.


Q & A: Employment and Labor Law 

Catherine Walters, Partner at Bybel Rutledge LLP, is a management side labor and employment attorney representing employers of all sizes. As a member of the First Healthcare Compliance editorial council, Catherine is a frequent presenter at educational events.  For more information regarding this topic please view a related webinar and listen to an episode of […]


Under Attack: Ransomware Threats, Prevention Tips, and Response Strategy for Health Care Providers

Sarah Cronan Spurlock will lead the presentation Under Attack: Ransomware Threats, Prevention Tips, and Response Strategy for Health Care Providers on June 23, 2022, at the Revenue Cycle and Compliance Summit. Sarah is a member of the Stites & Harbison’s Health Care Service Group and is Co-Chair of the firm’s Privacy & Data Security Group. […]


How to Handle Document Retention & Destruction

1st Talk Compliance features guest Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX, on the topic of “HIPAA and Beyond: Documentation Retention & Legal Holds.” This episode addresses laws that are relevant to healthcare industry participants, as well as compliance suggestions, and steps to take when either a legal hold or a preservation request arrives.


How to Prevent Employee Snooping and Insider Threats – Audio Version of the Webinar

Raymond Ribble is the CEO and Founder at SPHER, Inc. a market-leading compliance analytics, cyber-security solution addressing: HIPAA compliance, State Privacy Laws, and ePHI security threats and our presenter for this webinar. Snooping and Insider threats are exactly why user monitoring and ePHI access strategies are vital to the security of sensitive patient information and data protection. While it is an unsettling thought, not all cybersecurity incidents are traced from employee negligence. With so much attention and money surrounding cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, malicious employees may decide to purposefully disclose patient information. Since employees and contractors may have knowledge of your network setup, vulnerabilities, and access codes, snooping employees with malicious intent hold the key to exposing your organization to a series of unwanted risks and threats.