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The Increasing Role of the FTC in the Poaching of PHI – A Discussion of Better Help, GoodRx & Flo: Audio Version of the Webinar

Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX will be presenting this informative webinar. Cybersecurity risk management and the potential for enforcement actions is not diminishing. An area of increasing interest by the Federal Trade Commission, the United States Department of Justice, and Congress is third parties taking sensitive data (especially by social media and search engine giants), including protected health information, without obtaining affirmative patient/consumer consent and benefiting financially. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, the agency tasked with enforcing HIPAA, also plays a critical role. The purpose of this presentation is to address different federal government initiatives, recent enforcement actions and incidents, and risk mitigation.


Evolution of Price Transparency and How to Stay Ahead of CMS Requirements

1st Talk Compliance features guest Govi Goyal, President, Financial Services, at Panacea Healthcare Solutions, on the topic of Evolution of Price Transparency and How to Stay Ahead of CMS Requirements. Govi joins our host Catherine Short to discuss how the new CMS Price Transparency Rule and No Surprises Act are closely related. By providing Good Faith Estimates for healthcare services, hospitals can comply with both regulations. This helps patients understand their expected costs upfront and avoid surprise medical bills. Panacea’s CMS Price Transparency and Hospital Zero-Base Pricing software solutions can assist hospitals in providing accurate Good Faith Estimates to their patients and stay compliant with the latest regulations. 


Healthcare Assets – How to Preserve and Protect

1st Talk Compliance features attorneys Sean McKenna, Lauren Nelson, and Vincent Aiello of Spencer Fane LLP, on the topic of Healthcare Assets: How to Preserve and Protect. We will discuss the interplay between enforcement and liability proceedings with asset protection, explore how government and private litigation matters can impact healthcare companies, clinicians, and executives, and provide tips and preventative strategies to preserve income and assets prior to such action to ensure business continuity and succession planning. 


A Closer Look at the FTC and the Poaching of PHI

Join Rachel V. Rose’s complimentary webinar on May 16, 12-1 pm ET, to learn about the increasing role of the Federal Trade Commission in the poaching of protected health information. The session will cover federal government initiatives, recent enforcement actions, risk mitigation measures, and implications of not obtaining appropriate consent.


A Harassment-Free Workplace vs the Right to Engage in Concerted Activity

1st Talk Compliance features guest Lauren Moak Russell, Counsel at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP in Wilmington, Delaware, on the topic of “A Harassment-Free Workplace vs the Right to Engage in Concerted Activity.” Lauren joins our host Catherine Short to discuss how the National Labor Relations Board under the Biden Administration has expressed a renewed interest in expanding its influence into non-unionized work forces. This includes reviewing and–in the right circumstances challenging–employers’ use of workplace civility, confidentiality, and anti-harassment policies. Listen as we discuss what you need to know to safely navigate the National Labor Relations Act while ensuring that your employees enjoy a safe and respectful work environment.


The Increasing Role of the Federal Trade Commission in the Poaching of PHI – A Discussion of Better Help, GoodRx & Flo

Rachel V. Rose, JD, MBA, principal with Rachel V. Rose – Attorney at Law, P.L.L.C., Houston, TX will be presenting this informative webinar. Cybersecurity risk management and the potential for enforcement actions is not diminishing. An area of increasing interest by the FTC, the United States DOJ, and Congress is third parties taking sensitive data (especially by social media and search engine giants), including protected health information, without obtaining affirmative patient/consumer consent and benefiting financially. The U. S. Department of HHS, the agency tasked with enforcing HIPAA, also plays a critical role. The purpose of this presentation is to address different federal government initiatives, recent enforcement actions and incidents, and risk mitigation.


A Practical Approach to The Safe Harbor Law

1st Talk Compliance features guest Raymond Ribble, CEO and Founder at SPHER, Inc., on the topic of A Practical Approach to The Safe Harbor Law. Ray joins our host Catherine Short to discuss how HIPAA data breach penalties typically get measured in millions of dollars, even following an organization implementing NIST cybersecurity framework measures. However, with the new HIPAA Safe Harbor Law, signed in January 2021, HHS and OCR may consider some penalty mitigation. It is important to understand that the Safe Harbor Law, while offering substantial protection, does not provide a true safe harbor and only offers some protection. This episode will examine what the established security practices for healthcare are, and how to pivot your organization’s security profile to mitigate breach penalties if an event occurs.


The Safe Harbor Law: A Practical Approach – Audio Version of the Webinar

Raymond Ribble is the CEO and Founder at SPHER, Inc. HIPAA data breach penalties typically get measured in millions of dollars even following an organization implementing NIST cybersecurity framework measures. It is important to understand that the Safe Harbor Law, while offering substantial protection, does not provide a true safe harbor. Our presentation will examine what are the established security practices for healthcare, and how to pivot your organization’s security profile in order to mitigate breach penalties in the event of an event.


Missed Our Recent E/M Updates 2023 Training? Find Out More Here

Did you miss Evaluation and Management Updates 2023: Training and Q&A presented by Panacea Healthcare Solutions’ Director of Coding & Documentation Services, Becky Jacobsen, CCS-P, CPC, CPEDC, CBCS, MBS, CEMC, BSN? Look no further. Our experts have developed a set of customized resources to aid professionals as they put the guidelines into practice.